
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 6

Showing question 26 to 30 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 6

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 26

Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.

  1. Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.
  2. Our being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow.
  3. Being abandoned by our friends, we feel great sorrow.
  4. Abandoned by our friends, sorrow is the result.
  5. We feel great sorrow when our friends abandon us.

Question No: 27

Some officials both at the Treasury Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission recently said in off-the-record conversations that it may be a good idea to require that all large and highly leveraged banks should decrease their debt and should increase their asset base.

  1. to require that all large and highly leveraged banks should decrease their debt and should increase their asset base
  2. requiring that all large and highly leveraged banks decrease their debt and increase their asset base
  3. to require of all large and highly leveraged banks the decreasing of debt and an increase in their asset base
  4. requiring that all large and highly leveraged banks to decrease their debt and to increase their asset base
  5. to require all large and highly leveraged banks to decrease their debt and increase their asset base

Question No: 28

Despite the influx of international aid to a particularly war-torn region of East Africa during the waning months of 2006, in early 2007, many indigenous people unable to find food left their home to travel west where other tribal groups historically experienced less difficulties producing food, water, and land.

  1. their home to travel west where other tribal groups historically experienced less difficulties
  2. home to travel west where other tribal groups historically experienced fewer difficulties
  3. their home to travel west where other tribal groups historically experienced fewer difficulties
  4. home to travel west in search of other tribal groups who historically had experienced fewer difficulties
  5. home to travel west where other tribal groups historically had experienced fewer difficulties

Question No: 29

A ground-breaking report written by a major group of scientists has indicated that much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from polluted rain water and irresponsible chemical dumping by large corporations.

  1. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from
  2. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans come from
  3. many of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from
  4. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harming humans come from
  5. many of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans come from

Question No: 30

A ground-breaking report written by a major group of scientists has indicated that much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from polluted rain water and irresponsible chemical dumping by large corporations.

  1. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from
  2. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans come from
  3. many of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans comes from
  4. much of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harming humans come from
  5. many of the previously untraceable pollutants in stream water known to kill fish and harm humans come from
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