
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 10

Showing question 46 to 50 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 10

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 46

I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music: it has given me so much pleasure.

  1. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music:
  2. I would like to thank whomever it was that has written that piece of music:
  3. I would like to thank whomever it might be that wrote that piece of music:
  4. Whoever it was that wrote that piece of music, I would like to t
  5. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music:

Question No: 47

In a helpful book on the indexing and searching of text-based electronic files, a well-respected computer scientist differentiated latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze relationships among the words within documents, with vector space models, which can search efficiently using augmented inverted indices.

  1. latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze relationships among the words within documents, with vector space models, which can
  2. between latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze the relationships among words within documents, with vector space models, which can
  3. among latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze the relationships among words within documents, and vector space models, which can
  4. latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze the relationships among words within documents, and vector space models, which can
  5. between latent semantic indexing, which is a technique designed to analyze relationships among the words within documents, and vector space models, which can

Question No: 48

Under the provisions of the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States, the Federal government cannot detain an American citizen indefinitely without cause and is required either to bring charges against the individual being held, in which case he is entitled to a lawyer, or that the government must release him.

  1. that the government must release him
  2. release him
  3. to proceed in releasing him
  4. the government must release him
  5. they must release him

Question No: 49

Many United States Congressmen recently voted to give the National Security Agency new powers enabling them to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and pass along evidence from the calls to other government agencies.

  1. enabling them to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and pass along evidence from the calls
  2. enabling it to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and pass along evidence from the calls on which it eavesdropped
  3. enabling it to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and pass along evidence from those calls
  4. enabling them to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and be passing along evidence from those calls
  5. enabling it to eavesdrop on telephone calls without a court warrant and be passing along evidence from those calls

Question No: 50

After Exeter Recycling reported dismal earnings for the fifth straight quarter, its Chairman announced that the Board of Directors planned to fire the current executive managers, seen by many as unresponsive and incompetent, and in replacing them, choose younger and more nimble managers.

  1. and in replacing them, choose younger
  2. to be replacing it with younger
  3. and replace it with younger
  4. to replace them with younger
  5. and replace them with younger
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