
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 11

Showing question 51 to 55 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 11

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 51

One of the most important choices facing the new administration at this moment is if they should continue to advance contractionary fiscal policy.

  1. this moment is if they should continue to advance contractionary fiscal policy
  2. this present moment is whether it should continue to advance contractionary fiscal policy
  3. this moment is whether it should continue to advance contractionary fiscal policy
  4. this moment is whether they should continue to advance contractionary fiscal policy
  5. this present moment is whether it should continue the advancement of contractionary fiscal policy

Question No: 52

Trying to keep her balance on the icy surface, the last competitor's ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted into the soft snow.

  1. the last competitor's ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted into the soft snow.
  2. the ski-tip of the last competitor caught the pole and somersaulted in the soft snow.
  3. the last competitor caught the pole with the tip of her ski, and somersaulted into the soft snow
  4. the last competitor caught the pole with her ski-tip, which made her somersault into the soft snow.
  5. the last competitor somersaulted into the soft snow when the tip of her ski was caught by the pole.

Question No: 53

Considered to be one of the brightest upcoming legal scholars, Douglas Kysar has written countless articles on environmental law and policy; his writings, which include a book with renowned law professor Daniel Esty, is cited more often than most other young legal scholars.

  1. is cited more often than most other
  2. are cited more often than most other
  3. is cited more often than those of most other
  4. are cited more often than those of most other
  5. are cited more often than are most other

Question No: 54

The Battle of Bull Run, which took place on July 21, 1861 near the town of Manassas, an important event in American history in that this historic event was the first major ground battle of the Civil War, which resulted in over 500,000 deaths and a turning of the tide against the practice of slavery.

  1. an important event in American history in that this historic event was the first major ground battle of the Civil War, which resulted in over 500,000 deaths and a turning of the tide against the practice of slavery.
  2. an important event in American history marking the first major ground battle of the Civil War, which resulted in the death of over 500,000 Americans and the abolition of slavery.
  3. was an important event in American history as it had marked the first major ground battle of the Civil War, which resulted in the death of over 500,000 Americans and the abolition of slavery.
  4. is an important event in American history as it marked the first major ground battle of the Civil War, which resulted in the death of over 500,000 Americans and the abolition of slavery.
  5. is an important event in American history due to it marking the first major ground battle of the Civil War, resulting in the death of over 500,000 Americans and the abolition of slavery.

Question No: 55

Antony, coming alongside Cleopatra's ship, climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her>.

  1. climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her.
  2. climbed aboard without seeing Cleopatra or being seen by her.
  3. climbs aboard without Cleopatra seeing him
  4. boarded without being seen by her.
  5. boarded without seeing Cleopatra.
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