
Idioms and Phrases MCQ Set 6

Showing question 26 to 30 of total 33 MCQs

MCQ Set: 6

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Question No: 26

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below. At the party she spoke for a long time and did not give anyone else a chance. Finally when she left they were glad to see the back of her.

  1. They were glad that now there would be some peace.
  2. They were glad to have her back.
  3. They were glad that she would be back.
  4. They were glad that she had left.

Question No: 27

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
I have been working with him for the last ten years. He is my man Friday.

  1. He is my best friend.
  2. I party with him every Friday night.
  3. He is my right-hand man.
  4. He knows all my secrets.

Question No: 28

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below. Despite the heated argument over property matters recently, there is no bad blood between the brothers.

  1. They argued so much that they cursed their own blood.
  2. The brothers are actually not siblings.
  3. The brothers really love each other.
  4. The brothers have no ill feeling towards each other.

Question No: 29

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
The parent was lecturing the child on discipline; you could take one look at the child and understand that he was being bored to death.

  1. The parent was a boring person
  2. The child found the topic of death very boring
  3. The child found the father’s lecture on discipline very boring
  4. The child thought that discipline was a very boring topic

Question No: 30

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
Management tried very hard to convince the shareholders but facts spoke louder than words.

  1. Too many facts presented confused the audience
  2. The management spoke very little and left the shareholders to understand the facts on their own.
  3. The managers spoke so loudly that the audience found it difficult to understand the real facts.
  4. The organization was not doing well and it was proven by the facts, though the management kept saying that the organization was doing well
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