
Idioms and Phrases MCQ Set 3

Showing question 11 to 15 of total 33 MCQs

MCQ Set: 3

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Question No: 15

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been highlighted. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
She was the shining star in the office when it came to efficiency and punctuality.

  1. She was shiny like a star
  2. She was as luminescent as a shining star when it came to performance
  3. Stars were shining in the office
  4. None of the above

Question No: 11

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been underlined. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below. She knew that the best way to get into hot water was to anger her boss.

  1. to enter water heated by the sun
  2. to have hot water
  3. to be confused
  4. to get into trouble

Question No: 12

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been underlined. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
She knew that it took two to tango and if he objected, she would not be able to pass the test.

  1. two people to agree
  2. two people to disagree
  3. two people to be angry
  4. None of the above

Question No: 13

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been underlined. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
i was hoping against hope that she would agree to my proposal.

  1. Hoping for something
  2. Hoping against something
  3. Hoping without any/little chance of success
  4. None of the above

Question No: 14

In the following question, an idiom or proverb has been underlined. Choose its correct meaning in the given context from the alternatives given below.
She was scared to death when she realised she had selected the wrong slide for the company presentation.

  1. She actually died from fear
  2. She suffered extreme death-like fear
  3. She felt death was frightening
  4. None of the above
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