
Idioms and Phrases MCQ Set 1

Showing question 1 to 5 of total 33 MCQs

MCQ Set: 1

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 1

Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the below given word/ sentence.
To hold one's tongue

  1. to support
  2. to interfere in one's work
  3. to insult someone
  4. to keep quite

Question No: 2

Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom/phrase
Caught between two stools

  1. met with an accident

  2. difficulty in choosing between two alternatives
  3. struck in a calamity
  4. none of these

Question No: 3

Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom:
Make up one's mind

  1. to be prepared
  2. to make someone happy
  3. make a decision
  4. To criticize someone

Question No: 4

Choose the appropriate meaning of the phrase:
To read between the lines

  1. understand the hidden meaning
  2. to have good sight
  3. to learn quickly
  4. none of these

Question No: 5

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/ phrase.
A man of straw

  1. a worthy fellow
  2. a man of no substance
  3. a very active man
  4. a selfish person
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