
NCA National College of Arts

Lahore - Punjab     Pakistan
HEC Rank
1 / 3 in category of Art / Design
Specialized Field
Institution Level
Gender Specification

About NCA

National College of Arts, has a historical tradition. Much of its present tone was set long ago when it was known as the Mayo School of Arts. Gazetteers written about the city of Lahore in 1915 describe the work being done at the school as one of the cultural highlights of the urban center.

The Mayo School of Industrial Art was set up to commemorate Lord Mayo, the British Viceroy to India, assassinated in 1872. A teacher of painting and sculpture Lockwood Kipling, working then in Bombay in a Parsi School, was appointed its first Principal parallel to his charge of the Curator of the Lahore Museum.

The Museum and the School were conceived together. Funds were raised through a special levy throughout the Punjab province on the occasion of the Jubilee of the British Queen in 1887. The object was to provide an institution containing a museum, a library and a number of lecture rooms where instructional staff would teach indigenous crafts.

The Mayo School was intended to be a technical college in the fullness of time. Lockwood Kipling the curator Principal allowed the functions of the museum and the school to merge in a creative manner. Together with his more illustrious son, Rudyard Kipling, he planned and arranged the Museum in such a way that it reflected both the archeological and the traditional crafts heritage of the Punjab.


NCA offers a variety of degree programs in arts. Each one has its own entrytest for evaluation for admission

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NCA - National College of Arts

offers many degrees. To download National College of Arts past papers select the degree first.

Test Pattern and Online Tests for NCA

Both interactive and on page tests (MCQs) for National College of Arts are available online. you can practice a large number of question for each section of NCA test.

For taking online test (MCQs) and for downloading the past papers, select the degree.

Academic Departments

NCA has a variety of departments in the respective fields of fine and visual arts.
  • Fine Arts
  • Communication Design
  • Ceramics Design
  • Product Design
  • Textile Design
  • Architecture
  • Musicology
  • Film and Television

Under Graduate Admission Requirements


Higher Secondary/Intermediate Examination with a minimum of second division (45% marks) are eligible to appear for the admission test.

Admission Procedure

The college conducts admission tests which are held in all the provinces of Pakistan. Candidates wishing to join the Department of Fine Art and Faculty of Design are required to obtain high grades in drawing and aptitude tests. Candidates wishing to apply for the Department of Architecture are required to pass an examination in mathematics in addition to the drawing and aptitude test. Those wishing to apply for the Department of Musicology will be required to take only a separate aptitude test.

Societies and Clubs

All societies and extra-curricular activities are organized through students' Societies and Clubs. Their main function is to cultivate the cultural and social life of the College through organized discussions on the arts: film viewing, music classes, mime and puppetry workshops and art exhibitions as well as excursions to places of artistic interest are undertaken by the numerous societies and clubs.
Introductory workshops are held at the beginning of the academic year so that the incoming batch of students may join the clubs and societies of their choice. Each society and club has a member of faculty presiding over its activities as its Patron.
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