Poverty is perhaps the most outstanding feature of country’s economic crisis. In the past every government that came to power announced big plans to reduce poverty. Instead of reduction it worsened. According to Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) it is estimated to be 39% of the total population of about 16.5 crores. This was before the present crisis hit the country. How its present plight could be visualized. If the inflation has gone up by 33% another one third of the population is supposed to have been pushed below the poverty line. Food stuff are the main items of consumption of this class of people. Food has recorded 100% increase in prices but some of he essential item like atta in particular have gone out of stock. Under inflationary conditions the moneyed class gains instead of losing. Purchasing power of the consumer is siphoned off to the producers of agricultural and industrial goods. Some of it is netted by the stock holder, the hoarder and commercial agents. Thus poor becomes poorer and the rich, richer.
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