This leads us to the violation of second principle of good governance i.e. the election procedure that is supposed to send highly competent and patriotic representatives of the people to the provincial assemblies and the parliament who are fired with an intense desire to serve the masses and the country. However, what actually happens is that the Election Commission considers it a routine matter and applicants well known for corruption, horse trading, and a confirmed shady past are cleared to contest the election. Those are the persons who distribute millions of rupees to purchase votes and by doing so also corrupt the electorate. They call it investment because as elected members they have myriad opportunities to make money many times more what they spend on election campaign. They raise loans which they never intend to pay back. Only recently loans worth Rs 42 billion were written off and the beneficiaries were the high and mighty sitting in the assemblies and the parliament. The list did not include any ordinary mortal. With such personal character they are least qualified to take any interest in nation building task. Their pastime is power-play, getting plots allotted, wreaking vendetta and vengeance on the opponents, seeking avenues of making as much money as possible, using political influence for themselves and for the benefit of their family members. The masses that bring them to power are forgotten. How they meet their both ends meet is none of their concern. For one kilogram of atta if they have to run from pillar to post is their own personal matter. The most objectionable feature of this lot of elected members is that they belong to class of feudal dynasties which return their relatives to the assemblies election after election. They carry basket full of mutual vested interests which means you scratch my back I scratch yours. They support each other cause through thick and thin unless their mutual interests clash. Corruption is a domain where they never betray each other.
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