A survey conducted by an international agency declares Pakistan as the 5th most corrupt country of the world. Corruption starts from the above and seeps downward. Politically empowered class indulges in high corruption that encourages the bureaucracy to resort to illegal gratifications in collusion with them as well as independently. Contracts worth billions signed with home and foreign parties, both corporations and the governments, yield enormous kickbacks to the personnel in charge of the deals. The trend travels all long the line to reach the junior-most state official. The revenue collection departments such as Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs, Excise etc have developed a kind of corruption oriented culture that makes it part of routine business of their professional lives. For them there is no stigma attached to such activity. The police, revenue, law and all such other departments where authority reigns supreme, money freely exchanges hands for showing favours for services rendered which may or may not be lawful. To sum it up, it may be taken for granted that our political and bureaucratic structure is wholly dominated by corrupt practices.
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