

The Holy Quran says, “Evil and good are not alike even though plenty of evil attracts thee” (Verse 100, Sura Al-Maidah). The injunction is elaborated further, “Most of those on earth may mislead.” (Verse 116, Sura Al-Anaam) In view of this, it is not the majority opinion that always distinguishes between right and wrong. Majority of illiterate voters cannot take precedence over the opinion of the men of learning and ‘taqwa’ who may be in minority. This is the spirit of Quranic democracy.

Another essential of Islamic democracy is that this universe, the earth and all that lies in between, is the kingdom of God. Just as the authority to own worldly wealth is delegated, similarly authority to rule is also bestowed one. Every thing belongs to Him (Verse 87, Sura Yaseen). The power to rule is bestowed upon a people as a whole and not on an individual or a group of individuals. This is real democracy. However, to keep the true democratic spirit alive, it has to be ensured that the initiative to govern remains with the people and is not grabbed by one or more individuals. This injunction forbids power seeking. People themselves decide, who amongst them, should contest elections. Terms and conditions for the contestants are education and ‘taqwa’. People approach only those persons who are known for their piety, will to serve and leadership qualities. Wealth and influence is not the criteria. The Assemblies and the governing set up that emerges as a result of the election of such people sticks to the right path. Since they do justice in social, economic and political walks of life, therefore, they build up a peaceful and prosperous society.

This commandment renders all forms of governments un-Islamic such as monarchy, dictatorship, despotism, totalitarianism, socialism and rule by a group of feudal lords as in Pakistan ever-since Independence. As explained above it has been the dictatorships of the feudals ho have declared it to be democracy on the plea that they have come to power through elections. The fact is that they engineered to get elected through money, influence, power and coercion. They took advantage of the ignorance and lack of education of the electorate. They grabbed power through manipulations and called it democracy. They try to take cover behind the western styled democracy but that too does not give them legitimacy as democrats. It is so because it looks after only the personal & temporal life of the citizen and does not cater for the satisfaction of his spiritual needs. Islamic democracy does the both.

The President of the Republic is elected through universal suffrage i.e. by the whole nation in one go. As such he is not under obligation to any particular group or party. His success is the recognition of his qualities as a good Muslim, patriotic citizen, efficient administrator, forceful leader, recognized scholar and a personality which has depth of understanding and is farsighted enough to preempt problems of the people and the State. This President takes independent decisions and cannot be unduly influenced or black-mailed by any pressure group or a political party. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President, the one who commands majority in the National Assembly. Chief Ministers are also appointed likewise.

Inside the Topic

Evils of feudalism, Most horrifying aspect of the feudalism, May 2013 Elections, Feudals anti-education stance, The vision, The nature of the vision, Education Function, Democracy, Opposition with a difference, Dispensation of Justice , Equitable Distribution , Re-interpreting and updating , Issues that form the subject of Ijtihad, A universal state system, Conclusion, and others.