• With feudalism gone all political and economic empowerment passes on to the common man. Power seeking and ‘lotaism’ comes to an end. The voter is led to know the value of his vote and its use as per his conscience. The entire population feels its participation in the act of governance. An era of true democracy begins. • Dispensation of right kind of worldly and religious universal education coupled with abolition of feudalism creates general awareness among the masses. All un-Islamic customs, along with practices of religious extremism and fundamentalism cease to exist. Islam is practiced in its truest form. • Re-distribution of economic resources promotes equitable distribution of wealth and incomes. This, in turn, encourages investments at all levels and production activity on national basis. The economic prosperity eliminates poverty and places assets in the hands of the common man. This encourages investment at all levels. GDP multiplies manifold. An era of all-round prosperity takes a start. Enforcement of Islamic system in the country is to fulfill an overdue obligation of the great Pakistan Movement that demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent where they will be free to practice Islam. This solemn commitment desperately awaits implementation which should be done without further loss of time.
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