
NUST NET Computer Science Download past papers practice MCQs

NET for computer science is comprised of subject sections along with English.

  • Mathematics40%
  • Physics30%
  • Chemistry15%
  • English10%
  • Intelligence5%

Subject Lessons

You have qualified the subjects at Intermediate level. You just need to go through the content of your text books during college studies. Here is a quick refresher of subjects for the preparation of NUST NET:

Refresh Subjects and Practice MCQs

Download Sample Papers or Past Papers of NET-CS

NET Computer Science Sample paper to get prepared the true pattern of the test. The paper is in writtent form but the actual test will be on computer.

The sample or past papers of NET-CS provided are based on interviews of past test takers. However; similar MCQs have been added to complete the sample paper.

English Sections For NET CS

Almost all of the verbal sections at NET CS normally base on English Vocabulary and your understanding of written English.


English Practice Questions MCQs

Intelligence Lessons

Intelligence section of NUST NET CS includes the Picture Pattern and Number Series.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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