
LUMS SSE Preparation Download sample MCQs lessons

SSE offers a four year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. In addition, SSE offers graduate degrees in Computer Engineering, Computer Science (MS & PhD) and Mathematics (PhD). In the near future SSE also plans to start graduate programs in other majors.

Class-Room Course in Multan

College of Admission Tests offers a comprehensive preparation of SSE at Multan.

Step 3

LUMS has set a syllabus of Mathematics that is based on F.Sc., A-Level, and other prevailing systems of education in the country. You must cover your text books along with some general concepts.

Step 4
Sentence Correction

This section of the test contains sentences with grammatical errors and the candidate is asked to identify the error.

Step 5

Vocabulary is the basis for all of the following sections. You must download all vocabulary list and memorize to do well on the test.

Step 6
Sentence Completion

In this section, you are given with a sentence with one or blanks and you are asked to fill the blank/blanks with given choices so that the sentence becomes meaning full.

Step 7comprehension

In this section, you are given with a passage following four or five options and are asked to give the answers on the basis of the passage.

Step 8

In this section, you are given with a pair of words with some relationship. You are asked to choose a pair of words from the given choices having similar relationship.

Step 9

In this section, you are to pick a word with opposite meaning to the main word.

Step 10
Problem Solving

In this section, you'll find general math questions. You must learn all lessons in these modules.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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