
People need Leisure

Let us look at the other side of the picture. Workmen now a days are demanding holidays with pay. Why do we have the distinction between black coated workers who have long been accustomed to receive holidays with pay, and manual workers who have not? In the former work in holiday seasons is commonly spread among the existing staff without additional cost to the employers while among the latter it can be. A weeks holiday to the cotton spinners would cost the industry (in England) 400,000 pounds. In the other words and annual with pay must be regarded as an addition to wages. But because it is a concession to labor which will cost money it does not follow that it is a concession that ought not to be made. And it may well turn out that the increase fitness resulting and the diminished discontent may prove an asset offsetting the cost. All that an annual holiday is a human necessity. But is it a holiday the worker’s wage is stopped?