
Educated People spend Leisure

Educated Pakistanis spend their leisure in occupations which are futile and frivolous. From the way in which they spend their leisure one might conclude hat they had never been educated at all. In fact this is true. True education arises intellectual curiosity. And since so few so-called educated men and women in Pakistan are intellectually curious, we must conclude that they are educated at all.

Leisure is a privilege. It is the right of those who know how to, employ it. Give Newton plenty of leisure and he will carry further the boundaries of human knowledge. Give Kent leisure and he will perform system of philosophy. But give leisure to the bourgeois and what does he do with it? He pays others for carrying his body from place to place while his mind remains inert and inactive. He boasts of the countries he has visited, and picture sellers he has patronized. He becomes a brainless snob.