Question 1: In case Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Harry sits between Sue and Mike. Harry won't be there unless Sue sits next to Mike. Hence, Sue will not sit between Pete and Harry. Apart from the above mentioned statements, what additional premises are assumed by the author of this argument? Mike sits next to Sue if no one sits between them. If Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Sue sits between Harry and Pete. If Harry isn't there, then he doesn't sit next to Mike.
Correct Answer: B
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Question 1: Authorities concerned with mass transport in metropolitan cities are struggling with deficits. Commuters complain about delays and breakdowns, cuts in service, and fares higher than they are accustomed to paying. For all these reasons and because the price of fuel is still not prohibitive, the number of commuters using public transportation has fallen, adding to the deficits. Which among the following statements about the relationship between the number of commuters using public transportation and the price of fuel is best supported by the above passage?
Correct Answer: C
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Question 1: Pharmaceutical firms are now engaged in the production of analogues of endorphins, peptides, which are thought to transmit messages among brain cells, which bring about pain relief. The pharmaceutical firms claim that the analogues, when injected into the bloodstream, will lead to effective and long-lasting pain relief by increasing the action of peptides already present in the brain. The claims put forth by the pharmaceutical firms would be considerably weakened if it were true that
Correct Answer: D
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Question 1: It is popularly believed that teachers are more or less indifferent about the microcomputer technology. This assumption is false, or at least dated. A survey recently conducted indicated that 80 percent of the 7,000 surveyed teachers revealed a high level of interest in microcomputers. Among the following statements which would most damage the above argument if proved to be true?
Question 1: Which among the following statements is the most probable taking into consideration the source and the degree of seriousness with which they are uttered?
Question 1: Tom: It is likely that Greece will be humiliated in the Cyprus affair. In case she fights Turkey, she will be defeated in battle; whereas if she doesn't fight, letting Turkey win, she will be humiliated, as she would then seem impotent. Sarah: In that case Greece could always call the Soviet Union to her aid. Sarah attacks Tom's argument by:
Correct Answer: E
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