
Logical Reasoning MCQ Set 25

logical reasoning Set 25 contains 4 of total 148 logical reasoning questions (MCQ) with answers. View the answer of each MCQ by clicking over the Show/Hide Answer or all answers at the bottom of the page. You can use these MCQs of logical reasoning as a practice for the real exam or entrytest. Interactive Test

MCQ: 145

Question 1: In case Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Harry sits between Sue and Mike. Harry won't be there unless Sue sits next to Mike. Hence, Sue will not sit between Pete and Harry.
Apart from the above mentioned statements, what additional premises are assumed by the author of this argument?
Mike sits next to Sue if no one sits between them.
If Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Sue sits between Harry and Pete.
If Harry isn't there, then he doesn't sit next to Mike.

  1. I and II only
  2. I and III only
  3. II and III only
  4. I, II and III
  5. None of the above

MCQ: 146

In case Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Harry sits between Sue and Mike. Harry won't be there unless Sue sits next to Mike. Hence, Sue will not sit between Pete and Harry.
Apart from the above mentioned statements, what additional premises are assumed by the author of this argument?
Mike sits next to Sue if no one sits between them.
If Sue sits between Pete and Harry, then Sue sits between Harry and Pete.
If Harry isn't there, then he doesn't sit next to Mike.

  1. I and II only
  2. I and III only
  3. II and III only
  4. I, II and III
  5. None of the above

MCQ: 147

Question 1: Quite often it happens that a particular crisis or opportunity induces people to find a practical use for things, which originally had no serious purpose. To exemplify this principle, consider dolls and mannequins, programd to move and built for the delight of the wealthy in the eighteenth century; these were the forerunners of the modern computer. Similarly, it is almost certain that pets were the first domesticated animals. Domestication of animals seems to have arisen as an amusement long before it had any practical application.
Which among the following, provides another example supporting the above mentioned principle, if true?

  1. America was discovered as a by-product of the search for ginger, cloves, pepper, and cinnamon.
  2. Children often imitate adults in their games.
  3. Till the commercial and scientific potential of the spyglass was recognized and its power of magnification was improved it remained a mere source of diversion.
  4. Some culture horses were used only for pleasure and not for work, even though in those cultures people had to labor hard in the absence of laboring animals.
  5. People who made moving dolls and mannequins in the eighteenth century were also clockmakers.

MCQ: 148

Question 1: Ever since the communications-entertainment firms have taken over publishing concerns, the management's new methods have increased the financial profits of commercial publishing. This is done at the price of narrowing the range of available books to the public and by catering to the vulgar tastes of the new buyers of books. There business has boomed ; but in the process the losers are the majority of authors or aspiring writers, and all discriminating readers.
In case the above statement is true, which among the following will hold true?

  1. Profitable business ventures are relatively new in the publishing world.
  2. The readership which commercial publishing caters to today is different from the readership served in the past.
  3. The profits resulting from the methods introduced by communications-entertainment management will encourage literary writers to work against all the odds.
  4. The limited range of books available to the public is directed toward a more discriminating audience.
  5. The public is not aware of the trend in the publishing industry, which tends to specialize in publishing blockbuster books.

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