Properties of the Null Set
There are five properties of the null set:
- For any set A, the null set is a subset of A
Ø ? A
Notice that this is true for every set, even the null set!
Therefore, if you were to list the subsets of each set, the null set would appear on every single list.
- For any set A, the null set is a union of A
Ø ? A = A
Since the union of two sets is the set of all elements in both sets and the null set has no elements, all of the elements in both sets are only the elements in A.
- For any set A, the intersection of A with the null set is the null set
Ø n A = Ø
Since the intersection of two sets is the set of all elements in both sets and the null set has no elements, they have no elements in common
- The only subset of the null set is the null set itself
This relates back to the first property since the null set is the subset of every set. Since the null set contains no elements, we can't create any other subset of the null set besides the null set.
- The cardinality of the null set is 0
Since the cardinality of a set is the number of elements in the set, and the null set has no elements, its cardinality must be 0.
Misconceptions of Null Set Notational
Be very careful when determining if a set is the null set. For example, :
This is not the null set. It's the set containing the null set! So this set actually has one element, namely the null set. Since the null set has no elements but this has one element, they cannot be the same. Similarly, look at this set:
{Ø, {Ø}}
This is also not the null set. This set contains two elements, namely the null set and the set containing the null set and, therefore, cannot be the null set.
Lesson Summary
The null set is the set that contains no elements. It is denoted either by {} (curly brackets) or Ø (slashed zero). It has five properties:
- For any set A, the null set is a subset of A
- For any set A, the null set is a union of A
- For any set A, the intersection of A with the null set is the null set
- The only subset of the null set is the null set itself
- The cardinality of the null set is 0