
Ordering of Sentence MCQ Set 7

Showing question 31 to 35 of total 60 MCQs

MCQ Set: 7

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 31

Find correct sequence of sentences :
1: While talking to a group, one should feel self-confident and courageous.
P: Nor is it a gift bestowed by providence on only a few.
Q: One should also learn how to think calmly and clearly.
R: It is like the ability to play golf.
S: It is not as difficult as most men imagine.
6: Any man can develop his capacity if he has the desire to do so.

  1. QSPR
  2. SPRQ
  3. QRSP
  4. PQRS

Question No: 32

Find correct sequence of sentences :
Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: occur in the Earth's mesosphere
Q: about 40-60 miles
R: meteors, also called shooting stars,
S: at an altitude of

  2. PRSQ
  3. RPQS
  4. RPSQ

Question No: 33

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: only five or six new ones
Q: to have been found, although
R: there are over 31,000 documented meteorites
S: are found every year

  1. RSPQ
  2. PQRS
  3. RPQS
  4. RPSQ

Question No: 34

Find correct sequence of sentences :
1: A ceiling on urban property.
P: No mill-owner could own factories or mills or plants.
Q: And mass circulation papers
R: Would mean that
S: No press magnate could own printing presses.
6: since their value would exceed the ceiling fixed by the government.

  1. RPSQ
  2. SQRP
  3. RPQS
  4. QRPS

Question No: 35

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: These materials are highly effective in
Q: verbal reasoning and critical thinking
R: supplementing the education of
S: skills on behalf of the reader.

  1. PQRS
  2. PRQS
  3. RSPQ
  4. QPRS
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