
Ordering of Sentence MCQ Set 8

Showing question 36 to 40 of total 60 MCQs

MCQ Set: 8

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 36

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: quickly and effortlessly
Q: on the ability to recognize words
R: this being the case, it is generally believed
S: that proficient reading depends

  1. RSPQ
  2. PQRS
  3. RSQP
  4. RPQR

Question No: 37

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: to derive their answers
Q: them to rely on nothing more than the text
R: from distraction and forces
S: this allows students to work free

  1. SRQP
  2. PQRS
  3. RQSP
  4. QPSR

Question No: 38

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: opportunities for fostering greater
Q: in the modern world which provide
R: there are many occasions
S: contact with foreigners

  1. PRQS
  2. PQRS
  3. RQSP
  4. RQPS

Question No: 39

Find correct sequence of sentences :
P: two meters long and
Q: length of bamboo
R: made from one single
S: the Temiar blowpipe is normally some

  1. RQSP
  2. SPRQ
  3. PRQS
  4. QSPR

Question No: 40

Find correct sequence of sentences :
1: Several times I have
P: by a blowpipe dart but a cigarette placed
Q: parallel to the ground is missed
R: put a cigarette on end in a tree
S: and watched it be pinned to the bark
6: seven times out of ten.

  1. PQSR
  2. RSPQ
  3. RPQS
  4. QSPR
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