
Time and Distance MCQ Set 5

Showing question 21 to 25 of total 31 MCQs

MCQ Set: 5

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 21

que -27063634

  1. 14(1/10)
  2. 13(1/5)
  3. 13/30
  4. 14(1/30)

Question No: 22

In a class 3/4th of the students do not know either English or Hindi. But 1/6th of the students know English. How much students know both English and Hindi if students who know Hindi are 1/8th of total students in the class?

  1. 1/24
  2. 100/24
  3. 10/12
  4. 1/4

Question No: 23

Which of the following is in descending order?

  1. 5/8; 9/13; 11/17
  2. 5/8; 11/17; 9/13
  3. 9/13; 11/17; 5/8
  4. 11/17; 9/13; 5/8

Question No: 24

2 x ? - 6 = 676/26 What will come in place of question mark?

  1. 9
  2. 15/26
  3. 16
  4. 26

Question No: 25

capture Dup 3 -25492026

  1. 17(23/24)
  2. 17(4/17)
  3. 17(16/48)
  4. 4(17/24)
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