
Ratio And Proportion MCQ Set 5

Showing question 21 to 25 of total 30 MCQs

MCQ Set: 5

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 21

6 men and 8 women can do as much work in a given time as 3 men and 13 women. The capacities of a man and a woman are in the ratio

  1. 3:8
  2. 3:5
  3. 5:3
  4. 5:8

Question No: 22

In what ratio must one add water to milk so as to gain 16.666% on the selling this mixture at the cost price?

  1. 1:6
  2. 1:3
  3. 6:1
  4. 3:1

Question No: 23

A sum of money was to be divided amongst A and B in the ratio of 2:3. If the money is divided in the ratio of 3: 2, A will benefit by Rs. 75. The total money is

  1. Rs. 325
  2. Rs. 225
  3. Rs. 250
  4. Rs. 375

Question No: 24

Determine the number which should be subtracted from (14, 17) and (34, 42) to make remainders in same ratio?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 7

Question No: 25

Ratio of areas of incircle and circumcircle of an equilateral triangle is?

  1. 1:4
  2. 1:2
  3. 2:1
  4. 2:3
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