
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 19

Showing question 91 to 95 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 19

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 91

Just as listening to Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous fireside chats helps students of history understand the 1930s, an era marked by incredible domestic economic distress and unparalleled foreign conflict, so Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the immense strife and challenge America faced in the post-Civil War era.

  1. so Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the immense strife and challenge America faced in the post-Civil War era.
  2. so Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the immense strife and challenge America faced in the post-Civil War era. B. Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the post-Civil War era, a time of immense domestic challenge and strife
  3. reading Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the post-Civil War era, a time of immense domestic challenge and strife
  4. so reading Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp the post-Civil War era, a time of immense domestic challenge and strife
  5. so reading Abraham Lincoln's famous Second Inaugural Address helps students grasp a time of immense domestic challenge and strife--the post-Civil War era

Question No: 92

Because chickens lack teeth, they need another way to break apart the food they eat before reaching the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they swallow are used to grind their food.

  1. before reaching the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they swallow are used to grind their food.
  2. before it reaches the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they have swallowed is used to grind their food.
  3. before it reaches the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they swallow are used to grind their food.
  4. before reaching the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they have swallowed is used to grind their food.
  5. before it reaches the stomach, and for this reason, chickens have a gizzard in which stones they have swallowed are used to grind their food.

Question No: 93

The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

  1. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
  2. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should be paying half the cost of the initial print run of the author’s controversial new book.
  3. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
  4. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the publishers insisted the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
  5. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the author was required by the publisher to pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

Question No: 94

Until the European Convention on Human Rights came into effect in 2000, no law of privacy was as yet acknowledged by British courts.

  1. no law of privacy was as yet acknowledged by British courts
  2. British courts did not acknowledge a law of privacy
  3. the courts in Britain had not acknowledged a law of privacy
  4. a law of privacy was not acknowledged by the courts in Britain
  5. there had been no acknowledged law of privacy in Britain

Question No: 95

By confronting a devastated economy through actions such as creating the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, opening the Securities and Exchange Commission, suspending the gold standard, launching massive public works programs, and improving the morale of a demoralized nation through his fireside chats, First Inaugural address, and other motivational speeches, Franklin Roosevelt both lifted the spirits of Americans across the country and set the United States on a course that helped propel it out of the Great Depression.

  1. launching massive public works programs, and improving the morale of a demoralized nation through his fireside chats
  2. and launching massive public works programs, and improving the morale of a demoralized nation through his fireside chats
  3. and launching massive public works programs, and by improving the morale of a nation demoralized through his fireside chats
  4. and through the launch of massive public works programs, and by improving the morale of a demoralized nation through his fireside chats
  5. and launching massive public works programs, and by improving the morale of a demoralized nation through his fireside chats
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