
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 18

Showing question 86 to 90 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 18

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 86

Dunbar argues that gossip is important in human societies in the maintenance of social cohesion, just as social grooming does for other primates.

  1. gossip is important in human societies in the maintenance of social cohesion, just as social grooming does for other primates
  2. gossip is important in the maintenance of social cohesion in human society, just as social grooming does for other primates
  3. in human societies gossip is important in social cohesion like social grooming for other primate societies
  4. similar to social grooming in primates, human gossip is important in maintaining social cohesion
  5. gossip is important in human societies in the maintenance of social cohesion, just as social grooming is in other primate groups

Question No: 87

Under most conditions, an atom of one of the noble gases is inert because their outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons; the completion of their outer orbital makes these elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.

  1. because their outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons; the completion of their outer orbital makes these elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.
  2. because its outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons; the completion of the outer orbital makes the atoms of the elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.
  3. because its outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons, which makes these elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.
  4. because their outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons, making these elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.
  5. because their outer orbital contains the maximum number of electrons, and the completion of their outer orbitals makes these elements more stable and less able to react with other atoms and molecules.

Question No: 88

One of the perennial problems of the tourist industry is that of fitting what people want to see into the time they have available to see it in.

  1. that of fitting what people want to see into the time they have available to see it in
  2. fitting what people want to see into the time they have available
  3. that of fitting what people want to see in the time which they have available
  4. fitting what people want to see in the time they have available for seeing
  5. he need to fit what people want to see into the available time for seeing

Question No: 89

In an August 1, 2002 legal memo that would later become a lightning rod for controversy, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel Jay Bybee went on record as one of the first and most senior government officials to consider controversial interrogation tactics to be permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions irrelevant in dealing with so-called unlawful enemy combatants.

  1. controversial interrogation tactics to be permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions irrelevant in dealing
  2. controversial interrogation tactics permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions irrelevant in dealing
  3. controversial interrogation tactics as permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions irrelevant in dealing
  4. controversial interrogation tactics permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions to be irrelevant in dealing
  5. controversial interrogation tactics permissible and international laws such as the Geneva Conventions as irrelevant in dealing

Question No: 90

Ricks has written extensively

on not only major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, but also on

the lyrics of Bob Dylan.

  1. on not only major figures in English poetry like Milton, but also on on not only major figures in English poetry like Milton, but also on
  2. not only on the poetry of such major figures as Milton and Housman, but also on
  3. not only on major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, but also on
  4. on major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, as well as
  5. on major figures in English poetry such as Milton and Housman, but also on
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