
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 16

Showing question 76 to 80 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 16

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 76

Once a hurricane is identified, it is given a name from a list drawn up by the United States Weather Service, a list that is reused after a few years, but with the names of the worst hurricanes omitted.

  1. but with the names of the worst hurricanes omitted
  2. omitting the names of the worst hurricanes
  3. the names of the worst hurricanes being omitted
  4. after they have omitted the names of the worst hurricanes
  5. after omitting the worst hurricane names

Question No: 77

A teacher at the school acknowledged that, despite government sponsored endeavours to improve classroom performance, an extraordinary high percentage of their students fail to gain admission to higher education.

  1. an extraordinary high percentage of their students fail to gain admission to higher education
  2. an extraordinarily high percentage of its students fail to gain admission to higher education
  3. an extraordinary high percentage of its students fails to gain admission to higher education
  4. the percentage of their students failing to gain admission to higher education is extraordinarily high
  5. a high percentage of its students, extraordinarily high in fact, fails to gain admission to higher education

Question No: 78

Since the path-breaking discovery, just over fifty years ago, of the structure of the DNA molecule, scientists have made astounding progress to understand and manipulate> this most important of biological molecules.

  1. scientists have made astounding progress to understand and to manipulate
  2. scientists have made astounding progress in understanding and manipulating
  3. astounding progress has been made by scientists to understand and to manipulate
  4. scientists made astounding progress in understanding and manipulating
  5. astounding progress was made by scientists in understanding and manipulating

Question No: 79

Written in Austria in 1762, the composer of Symphony No. 5 was a brilliant musician, Franz Joseph Haydn, who many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his contribution to classical music while court musician for the Esterhazy family.

  1. the composer of Symphony No. 5 was a brilliant musician, Franz Joseph Haydn, who many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his
  2. the composer of Symphony No. 5 was a brilliant musician, Franz Joseph Haydn, who many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his
  3. Franz Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 5, who many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his
  4. Symphony No. 5 was composed by a brilliant musician, Franz Joseph Haydn, who many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his
  5. Symphony No. 5's composer was a brilliant musician, Franz Joseph Haydn, whom many later called the "Father of the Symphony" for his

Question No: 80

In archaeological terms the university was a latecomer to the town, which was already centuries old by the time we first hear of the establishment of a community of scholars and teachers in the late 12th Century.

  1. which was already centuries old by the time we first hear of the establishment of
  2. already centuries old by the time we first hear of its establishment of
  3. which was centuries old already when we first hear of the establishment of
  4. that was already centuries old by the time we first are hearing of the establishing of
  5. that was already centuries old by the time we first hear that they had established
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