
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 12

Showing question 56 to 60 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 12

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 56

Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.

  1. Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.
  2. Your taking a loan to buy a car aggravated Father.
  3. You taking a loan to buy a car irritated Father.
  4. You taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.

Question No: 57

The best way to encourage innovative thinking is not to promise financial rewards for ideas, but to ensure that the person making the suggestion receives recognition for his contribution.

  1. but to ensure that the person making the suggestion receives recognition for his contribution.
  2. but to ensure that the person who makes the suggestion will be receiving recognition for his contribution.
  3. but rather by ensuring that the person making the suggestion receives recognition for his contribution.
  4. but rather ensure that suggestion-maker receives recognition for his contribution.
  5. but instead make sure that the suggestion-maker will receive recognition.

Question No: 58

During the early months of 2009, some economists concluded that the slew of U.S. government programs created during the fall of 2008 to stabilize an economy marked by an absence of credit, a wave of enormous asset write downs, a precipitous decline in housing prices, and a historic loss of consumer confidence has not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows and reviving depressed equity prices.

  1. has not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows and reviving depressed equity prices
  2. have not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows and reviving depressed equity prices
  3. has not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows and bringing about the revival of
  4. have not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows and to revive depressed equity prices
  5. has not succeeded in engendering healthy intra-bank credit flows along with a revival of depressed equity prices

Question No: 59

The government requires that these forms should be submitted before the end of the financial year.

  1. that these forms should be submitted
  2. that these forms be submitted
  3. for these forms to be submitted
  4. these forms submission
  5. these forms should be submitted

Question No: 60

A month ago, a well-respected sell-side analyst released a report predicting that prices in equity markets will reach record highs in the next 12 months. Immediately after the release of the report, some institutional investors who feared a continuing loss of shareholder value publicly expressed optimism in a strong near-term future for equities.

  1. who feared a continuing loss of
  2. who had feared the continuation of losses of
  3. who had feared continuing losses in
  4. who feared continuing losses in
  5. who had feared a continuing loss of investors'
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