
Verbal Analogies MCQ Set 11

Showing question 51 to 55 of total 78 MCQs

MCQ Set: 11

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 51


  1. Leaf : forest
  2. Stone : mountain
  3. Bird : aviary
  4. Knife : cutlery
  5. Drop : water

Question No: 52


  1. Houses : carpenter
  2. Brushes : painter
  3. Seeds : farmer
  4. Tools : gardener
  5. Wiring : electrician

Question No: 53


  1. Explosion : noise
  2. Tornado : air
  3. Hurricane : wind
  4. Vortex : movement
  5. Orbit : satellite

Question No: 54


  1. Salmon : lake
  2. Beaver : lodge
  3. Canary : cage
  4. Raccoon : forest
  5. Eagle : mountainside

Question No: 55


  1. Screen : project
  2. Drain : empty
  3. Sieve : sift
  4. Grate : pulverize
  5. Net : envelop
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