
Verbal Analogies MCQ Set 9

Showing question 41 to 45 of total 78 MCQs

MCQ Set: 9

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 41


  1. Preference : whim
  2. Morality : scruple
  3. Creed : belief
  4. Dogma : teaching
  5. Doubt : misgiving

Question No: 42


  1. Elect : officer
  2. Appoint : committee
  3. committee: audience
  4. Enroll : member
  5. Deploy : troop

Question No: 43


  1. Grateful : appreciative
  2. Unhappy : miserable
  3. Mournful : joyous
  4. Depressed : downcast
  5. Pleased : gratified

Question No: 44


  1. Jealous : embrace
  2. Scornful : revile
  3. Eager : pause
  4. Insatiable : gratify
  5. Unyielding : gratify

Question No: 45


  1. Embezzler : bank
  2. Trespasser : privacy
  3. Burglar : window
  4. Arsonist : fire
  5. Plagiarist : text
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