
BISE BAHAWALPUR Result Matric 9th, 10th, Inter Part I and II

Waiting the result of an examination you have taken is not less than full of frustrating feelings. Students tries to find the result as early as possible. The Boards of intermediate and Secondary education BISE BAHAWALPUR announces the result on a pre-announced date. The date for each of matric 9th and 10th classes and Intermediate Part I and II are different. Bahawalpur Board is comparatively newly created. Its jurisdiction covers geographically wide area. The literacy in this area is increasing. Bahawal pur Board plays a vital role in the educational development in the region.


BISE Bahawalpur Result Dates

BISE Bahawalpur conducts its matriculation exams in the month of March and while intermediate exams starts in the month of April. Results of matric are usually announced in the month of July and August while Inter exams results are announced in the month of September.

Inter Part 1 and 2

Intermediate course is actually milestone in the life and career of a person. Higher score in combined inter part I and II make admission in choice of university or college possible. Students remain conscious about the result of inter.

Education is a process through which efforts are made to change the thinking and behavior of individual in desirable direction. In order to find out how much this objective has been achieved, it is measured through conducting test on students. This process testing is called examination. In every country, some govt run bodies are held responsible to evaluate the what change the student has acquired. In Pakistan, Board of Intermediate and Secondary education take the exams and prepare the ranking of students based on their performance in these exams.

The result of Intermediate in BISE Bahawalpur is normally announced by the board up to three month after the exam. Matric and FA, FSc exams are held at different time.
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