The University of the Punjab is the largest and the oldest center of higher learning in Pakistan. It was the first university established in the sub-continent in Muslim majority area. The University comprises of 4 Campuses, 13 Faculties, 10 Constituent Colleges, over 63 Departments, Centers, Institutes, and 500+ affiliated colleges.
Administrative, Arts and Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Commerce, Economics and Management Sciences, Education, Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Law, Islamic Studies, Law, Life Sciences, Medicine and Dentistry, Oriental Learning, Pharmacy, Science.
Admission and Entry test
Admission in PU are highly competitive. A higher score in entrytest is necessary for sure admission. The weight of entry test determines the possibility of admission in a particular class. A candidate must prepare the entry test effectively to have admission in PU.
Download Past Papers
PU - University of the Punjab
offers many degrees. To download University of the Punjab past papers select the degree first.
Test Pattern and Online Tests for PU
Both interactive and on page tests (MCQs) for University of the Punjab are available online. you can practice a large number of question for each section of PU test.
Admission are offered purely on the basis of the merit Criteria and Additional Criteria, if applicable to any of the individual/Constituent College/Department.
Pre-Admission Entry Test
The Pre-Admission Entry Test Forms for the admissions of the academic year will be available from the Departments/Centers/Institutes/Colleges who have opted for the entry test for BS/MA/M.Sc or equivalent programs from July each year.
Clearance of Entry Test is mandatory for all the reserved seats without exception.