The problem of the people of Balochistan is that the sardars are determined to keep them under their perpetual subjugation. They can achieve that objective only if the people are kept uneducated, mineral resources of the province are not developed, and the vast regions remain devoid of the necessary infra-structure of roads and other means of communication. Sardars do not encourage industrial progress, development of water resources. They coisider the mega project of Gwadar port against the larger interests of the province. Taking full advantage of the primitive tribal prejudices of the people they indoctrinate them with falsehoods that whatever is being done is not for the betterment of Balochistan but essentially for the benefit of the outsiders. The need of the hour is that a powerful public instructions program is launched through print and electronic media and people are made aware of what in fact is the truth and reality. They should become convinced that sardars intend to keep them backward and poverty stricken to maintain their hegemony over them. Once the people become educated, prosperous and conscious of their human rights they will stand up in revolt to demolish the sardari system. Also they should be made aware of what infinite economic, political and social blessings are in store for them if the land is developed in accordance with grandiose projects launched recently and all those that are being planned for the future. The people of Balochistan should be made aware of the facts discussed below that will make them and their province prosperous beyond imagination.
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