How to combat terrorism in Pakistan? The answer lies in the causes enumerated above. It should, however, be remembered that terrorism can only partially eliminated by counter- terrorism. Main emphasis for the purpose should be on the elimination of the causes that breed terrorism. The foremost requirement is the removal of poverty among the masses achieving fair distribution of wealth in the society. For this purpose feudalism should be abolished as most of the Far Eastern countries have done in the recent past to become progressive economies. The country should have democracy in its truest form so that political leadership springs from the grass-roots and remains wedded to the masses during the tenure of their stay in the government. The education system should make the entire nation literate so that simple people falling easy prey to the nefarious designs of the ethnic and religious fundamentalists, can distinguish between the right from the wrong. The whole nation should be deweaponized because so long as the weapons remain in the possession of the people they will be put to use, often for no justification. To fight the foreign inspired terrorism, such as the one being promoted by India, Pakistan should become extra vigilant. Every conceivable precaution should be taken. Its own intelligence agencies should remain alert to the danger and make sure that the culprits are apprehended before they succeed in doing the mischief.
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