This in fact is a model of Islamic Welfare State. Enforcement of Islamic system in the country is to fulfill an overdue obligation of the great Pakistan Movement that demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent where they would be free to practice Islam. This solemn commitment made to Almighty God desperately awaits implementation which should be done without further loss of time. Fundamentals of the proposed system are five, which are as under: 1. Education Function 2. Quranic Democracy 3. Al-AdI i.e. Dispensation of Justice 4. Wal-Jhsan i.e. Equitable wealth distribution 5. Ijtihad: Keeping the Islamic way of life updated. It is reiterated that the pre-requisite for successful working of the system is abolition of feudalism; otherwise the proposed plan will neither take off nor become workable.
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