Even the best of the most successful of state systems of the world cater for worldly needs of their citizens ignoring the spiritual side. The proposed system looks after both. It functions in line with the Nature and the human psychology. Therefore it is comprehensive. The major problem, however, is its enforcement. Even the worst of the working political systems would be quite difficult to uproot. There are only two ways of bringing about the desired change. One is emergence of a leader of high vision with power to command masses. His following bulldozes every opposition. However, such leaders appear only once in a lifetime. Two creation of nation-wide awareness of the proposed system through its wider and continuous political for years on end until the nation, as a whole, gets motivated for the intended change. This collective desire takes the shape of a powerful movement with sufficient internal thrust to-each its destination. In recent history this happened in China and Iran. In the near future it should- Pakistan.
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