The most challenging type of word is one that doesn’t look or sound like any other English word and that contains no obvious root or prefix to help you guess its meaning. Some such words are modern non-English words that English speakers have adopted (either “as is” or with a slightly different spelling). Others are words from ancient languages but the words are still in use today. Here are three examples of the kinds of test-worthy words whose meanings you couldn’t guess:
Note: Words in tougher questions might contain deceiving roots. Whenever you’re uncertain about which of two answer choices is better, consider the possibility that an unfamiliar word means just the opposite of what many test-takers might think.
- IOTA (n): a very small quantity; speck
- BURGEON (v): to begin to grow, develop, or blossom, especially suddenly
- INVEIGLE (v): to lure or entice by inducements