
University Of Gujrat University of Gujrat

Gujrat - Punjab     Pakistan
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The town of Gujrat is of modern origin, but it occupies the site of an ancient city the foundation of which is attributed to Raja Bachan Pal, a Surajbansi Rajput, who emigrated from the lower Gangetic Doab. The ancient name of the city was Udanagri (the everlasting or sweet-smelling city).

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University Of Gujrat - University of Gujrat

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Both interactive and on page tests (MCQs) for University of Gujrat are available online. you can practice a large number of question for each section of University Of Gujrat test.

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Applying Procedure

The online system assigns a unique Application Reference Number (ARN) to each application, which must be noted for later use. Applicants must choose Campus, Timing (Morning, Evening), Faculty, and Degree Level (BS/MS/PhD) for each application. Once chosen, an applicant may apply in a maximum of 5 degree programs with the same application. Before finalizing the application data, an applicant must accept digital undertaking to confirm that information entered in the Admission Application Form is correct. In case of incorrect information, the University has the right to cancel the application/admission without any fee refund. Application processing fee is Rs. 850 for the first Degree Program and Rs.250 for the subsequently chosen Degree Programs(If application degree programs are in same faculty,same campus,same timing,same qouta).All applicants must pay the fee including those seeking admission on quota basis. Applicants will deposit the Admission Processing Fee for each online-application in any branch of Habib Bank (Pakistan). Fee is non-refundable/non-adjustable. Upon payment of the Application Processing Fee, the applicant will export the application in PDF format, print his/her online-application, and get it signed by himself/herself and parents/guardian before sending it to the campus. Attach Department and Treasurer Copy of challan with your application along with attested copies of all required documents. Printed application must sent through courier or delivered by hand to the campus admission office with in due date of application Hrad form submission as mentioned in admission Calender .


Admissions Spring 2018 are now open. Last date to apply is mentioned on the admission calendar. Please register for admission by filling the online application form Make a note of Important Dates. Have/Create a valid email address (to be used for the submission of application through UOG Online System). Have a scanned copy of a recent passport size photograph with white background. The file must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif format, and the file size must be less than 1MB. Once your profile has been created, you can apply for several degree programs in all campuses. Print the Challan Form and deposit your Admission Processing Fee in any branch of Habib Bank Limited. HBL Branch Locator.
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