
Registering for GRE in Pakistan

The identification document for Pakistani applicant is a valid Passport
  • The name you use when you register must exactly match the name on the passport (without spaces or accents) that you will present on the day of the test. If it does not, you may be prohibited from taking the test or your test scores may be canceled after you take the test.
  • When you register, you must supply your entire last (family/surname) name. If you have a two-part last name, be sure to supply your complete last name as it appears on the passport (without spaces or accents) that you will present on the day of the test.
  • Be sure to provide your entire first (given) name (without spaces or accents). Do not register under a nickname and do not register with only an initial as your first name.
  • If you register by phone, please be sure you are registered under your entire first and last names as they appear on your passport.
  • If your online account has already been created, please confirm that the name on your passport still matches the name that appears in your account. If they do not, contact GRE Services.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that your passport match your admission ticket on the day of the test.

You can register for both the computer-based and paper-based tests with a valid credit or debit card through your My GRE Account. To register GRE visit Register GRE Online

GRE Fee and Payment Policies in Pakistan

In Pakistan the fee for GRE revised General Test is USD 190. Preferred mode of Payment for Computer-based Tests:

  • Credit/Debit Card (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard or VISA).
  • Note: Any debit/check card branded with one of the five accepted credit card logos can be processed.
  • Money Order/Certified Check/Voucher
  • Fees are stated in U.S. dollars.
  • Do not send cash.

ETS reserves the right to add or delete payment options at its own discretion and without notice.

A check in U.S. dollars must be drawn on a bank in the United States or Canada. Checks payable in another currency must be drawn on banks in the same country as the currency. By sending your check, you are authorizing ETS, at its discretion, to use the information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit from your account for the amount of your check; no additional amount will be added. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account, an additional service fee of US$20 will be debited electronically from your account. Contact ETS to learn about other payment options if you prefer not to have your check used in this way.

Meet Your Target

Best Preparation

You’ve probably heard the quote (originally credited to Alexander Graham Bell): Preparation is the key to success. When it comes to test taking, these are words to live by.

  • If you do not include the correct fee, your request for registration or service will be returned.
  • Taxes must be included where applicable.
  • There are no refunds for additional services.
  • Refunds will be made in U.S. dollars.
  • Services may be withheld for nonpayment of fees.

All test fee payments must be made in full, have the correct numeric and written dollar amount, and be received at the regional registration center (RRC) or ETS within 90 days of the date on the payment (e.g., check, money order). All outstanding balances incurred from prior ETS tests and/or services must be paid in full in order to register for any future ETS test or service. ETS reserves the right to add or remove online payment methods at its own discretion and without notice.

Change or Cancel Registration

You must reschedule or cancel your revised General Test registration no later than three full days before your test date or your test fee will be forfeited. This time period does not include the day of your test or the day of the request. For example, the deadline to reschedule a Friday appointment at a testing location in the United States is Monday.

The process by which you will change or cancel your registration and the fees or refunds associated with it vary depending on the test you are taking.

Requesting a Refund

If you cancel your registration no later than three full days before your test date (not including the day of your test or the day of your request), you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the test fee. The remainder of your payment will be retained to cover expenses for processing your registration and holding space at the test center.

  • Refunds will be in U.S. dollars.
  • Cash refunds are not available.

Refunds will not be given if you do not follow proper registration procedures and/or fail to present the required identification documents at the test center.

Video Lessons and Fully explained Test Prep

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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