
Production of Art Silk and Synthetic Weaving

At present, although more than 150 units are manufacturing silk cloth and other products largely shawls and scarves (dupatta) for women, but majority of the activity in ark silk and synthetic weaving industry is in the informal sector and generally it is a family owned power loom units comprising of 8 to 10 looms.

There are approximately 90,000 power looms in operation to prepare yarn in the country. About 30,000 looms are engaged in production of blended yarn and 60,000 are producing filament yarn. At present, there is one accetate Rayon Yarn unit, with production of 3000 M tonnes but polyester filament units are 21 and their production capacity is 95 thousand metric tonnes. Pakistan is producing surplus silk cloth and other silk products and exporting significant amount of ark silk and synthetic weavings.