Beautiful beaches attract people, no doubt about it. Just look at this city's beautiful beaches, which are among the most overcrowded beaches in the state. Which of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning most similar to the one exhibited in the argument above?
Correct Answer: D
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Our school district should not spend its money on the new Verbal Advantage reading program. After all, our students get all the reading practice they need by studying history and science. The argument above depends on which the following assumptions?
Correct Answer: C
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A study of native born residents in Newland found that two-thirds of the children developed considerable levels of nearsightedness after starting school, while their illiterate parents and grandparents, who had no opportunity for formal schooling, showed no signs of this disability. If the above statements are true, which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by them?
Explanation under process. It will be available soon.div>
Newspaper publishers earn their profits primarily from advertising revenue, and potential advertisers are more likely to advertise in newspapers with a wide circulation—a large number of subscribers and other readers—than with other newspapers. But the circulation of the newspaper that is currently the most profitable one in this city has steadily declined during the last two years, while the circulation of one of its competitors has steadily increased. Any of the following, if true, would help explain the apparent discrepancy between the two statements above EXCEPT:
Correct Answer: E
Although most of the fastest growing jobs in today's economy will require a college degree, many of the new jobs being created-from home health aide to desktop publisher-require knowledge other than that gained from earning a degree. For workers in those jobs, good basic skills in reading, communigreion, and mathematics play an important role in getting a job and developing a career. From the information given above it can be validly concluded that, in today's economy, :
Correct Answer: A
According to the National Agricultural Aviation Society (NAAS), without the use of crop protection products to control insects, weeds, and diseases, crop yields per acre will drop by more than 50 percent. The first aerial appligreion of insecticide occurred in 1921, and it was a huge success. By contrast, in today's economy all aircraft that are classified as aerial appligreors do more than just apply insecticide; today, they also spread seed and apply fertilizer. From the information given above it CANNOT be validly concluded that
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