Disclaimer: All information about the schools in this website is to provide physical as well as the web addresses and to show the presence of a school in the area. For updated information contact information office of the school.
Classes and Admissions 2025 - 2026
Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1 is a Public school in Bahawalpur which offers classes for multiple subjects. GGPSB1 is a(n) English Medium School working for educational development of the area.
This campus of Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1 is for Girls only.
Admissions 2025 and 2026 are expected to be based on the following schedule.
Changes are expected in classes by schools. For updated information, visit the school physically or visit their website.
Class | Available | Admission |
Junior Classes like Play Group, Nursery, and Prep | Yes | January to March |
Grade 1 to Grade 5 (Primary) | Yes | February to April |
Grade 6 to Grade 8 (Middle) | Yes | March to April |
Grade 9 and Grade 10 (Matric) | No | March to June |
Admission Requirement
For all candidates for admission in Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1 Bahawalpur, it is mendatory to appear in an Interview and a written test.
About Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1
Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1 is a prestigeous school in Bahawalpur which is working for educational development of the region. Every year a large number of students seek admission in GGPSB1. Government Girls Middle School Bhatta No1 School remains successful in producing good results of its students.
You can find admission office of this campus physically at Bhatta No.1, Near Sadiq Public School, Ahmadpur Road, Bahawalpur (Punjab). Its web address is http://www.nil and telephone number is Nil.
Middle school follows with grades 6 to 8. Single-sex education is still preferred in rural areas. Subjects include Urdu, English, arts, Islamic studies, maths, science, social studies, and computer science where equipment is available.