
Lesson: Intermediate Problem Solving - 25t03

Practice: Using A Sketch

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Answer each question that follows. Draw a diagram or sketch if you feel that it would help your answer to be more accurate or quicker. Click Continue after you've selected your answer.

1. Routes X, Y, and Z intersect to form a triangle. If route X and route Y intersect at a 20 degree angle and if Z is perpendicular to route X, at what angle do streets Z and Y intersect?
  50 degrees 60 degrees 70 degrees
2. A length of string is knotted at and intervals. If the string is laid flat and horizontal, approximately what fraction of the string's length lies between the sixth and seventh knots from the left?

Even though this problem is not a geometry question, it does contain a tricky spatial relationship, so it's a good one to sketch. In fact, trying to work this one out in your head is pretty risky. The rope can be drawn as follows:

Using different markings to indicate the different fractional lengths is a smart idea. Otherwise, your diagram will be hard to read! Here, the red "knots" are at intervals, the blue "knots" at and the green ones at . Of course, on test day, you won't have colored markers, so use stars, dots, slashes, etc. Now if we count from left to right, we see that the sixth knot is at the mark and the seventh knot is at the mark. So the distance between them is . We use a common denominator of 15, so we get , which equals . A problem that would've been almost impossible for most of us to work out in our heads is made much more do-able through the use of a diagram.

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