
Lesson: Intermediate Problem Solving - 06t03

Estimating — Rates

[Page 6 of 27]

Our strategy of establishing a logical range for correct answers, then eliminating choices outside of that range, also works well on rate problems (and particularly well on combined-rate problems). Let's consider an example.

Steve gets on an elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at a rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same time Joyce gets on an elevator on the 51st floor of the same building and rides down at a rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue traveling at these rates, at which floor will their paths cross?

Choose estimations for each rate that will make it easier to estimate a solution range for the problem. Fill in the Text Boxes below with your estimates, and then click Continue.
  • Steve gets on an elevator at the 11th floor of a building and rides up at a rate of floors per minute.
  • Joyce gets on an elevator on the 51st floor of the same building and rides down at a rate of floors per minute.

Because the rates in the question stem are quite close, estimating that they are equal is a good strategy, and 60 is right in between the two rates.

It's important to keep in mind however, that Joyce is moving a bit faster than our estimate of 60, while Steve is moving a bit slower.

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