The Kinetic Theory of Gases
We can summarize the kinetic theory of gases with four basic postulates:
- Gases are made up of molecules: We can treat molecules as point masses
that are perfect spheres. Molecules in a gas are very far apart, so that the
space between each individual molecule is many orders of magnitude greater than
the diameter of the molecule.
- Molecules are in constant random motion: There is no general pattern
governing either the magnitude or direction of the velocity of the molecules in
a gas. At any given time, molecules are moving in many different directions at
many different speeds.
- The movement of molecules is governed by Newton’s Laws: In accordance
with Newton’s First Law, each molecule moves in a straight line at a steady
velocity, not interacting with any of the other molecules except in a collision.
In a collision, molecules exert equal and opposite forces on one another.
- Molecular collisions are perfectly elastic: Molecules do not lose any
kinetic energy when they collide with one another.
The kinetic theory projects a picture of gases as tiny balls that bounce off one
another whenever they come into contact. This is, of course, only an
approximation, but it turns out to be a remarkably accurate approximation for
how gases behave in the real world.
These assumptions allow us to build definitions of temperature and pressure that
are based on the mass movement of molecules.
The kinetic theory explains why temperature should be a measure of the average
kinetic energy of molecules. According to the kinetic theory, any given molecule
has a certain mass, m; a certain
velocity, v; and a kinetic energy of
1/ 2
mv2. As we said, molecules in any system move at a wide
variety of different velocities, but the average of these velocities reflects
the total amount of energy in that system.
We know from experience that substances are solids at lower temperatures and
liquids and gases at higher temperatures. This accords with our definition of
temperature as average kinetic energy: since the molecules in gases and liquids
have more freedom of movement, they have a higher average velocity.
In physics, pressure, P, is
the measure of the force exerted over a certain area. We generally say something
exerts a lot of pressure on an object if it exerts a great amount of force on
that object, and if that force is exerted over a small area. Mathematically:
P = F/A
Pressure is measured in units of pascals (Pa), where
1 Pa = 1
Pressure comes into play whenever force is exerted on a certain area, but it
plays a particularly important role with regard to gases. The kinetic theory
tells us that gas molecules obey Newton’s Laws: they travel with a constant
velocity until they collide, exerting a force on the object with which they
collide. If we imagine gas molecules in a closed container, the molecules will
collide with the walls of the container with some frequency, each time exerting
a small force on the walls of the container. The more frequently these molecules
collide with the walls of the container, the greater the net force and hence the
greater the pressure they exert on the walls of the container.
Balloons provide an example of how pressure works. By forcing more and more air
into an enclosed space, a great deal of pressure builds up inside the balloon.
In the meantime, the rubber walls of the balloon stretch out more and more,
becoming increasingly weak. The balloon will pop when the force of pressure
exerted on the rubber walls is greater than the walls can withstand.
The Ideal Gas Law
The ideal gas law relates temperature, volume, and pressure, so that we can
calculate any one of these quantities in terms of the others. This law stands in
relation to gases in the same way that Newton’s Second Law stands in relation to
dynamics: if you master this, you’ve mastered all the math you’re going to need
to know. Ready for it? Here it is:
Video Lesson - Ideal Gas Equation
PV = nRT
Effectively, this equation tells us that temperature,
T, is directly proportional to
volume, V, and pressure,
P. In metric units, volume is
measured in m3, where 1m3 = 106cm2.
The n stands for the number of
moles of gas molecules. One mole (mol) is just a big number—6.023 × 1023
to be precise—that, conveniently, is the number of hydrogen atoms in a gram of
hydrogen. Because we deal with a huge number of gas molecules at any given time,
it is usually a lot easier to count them in moles rather than counting them
The R in the law is a constant of
proportionality called the universal gas constant, set at
8.31 J/mol · K. This constant effectively
relates temperature to kinetic energy. If we think of
RT as the kinetic energy of an
average molecule, then nRT is the
total kinetic energy of all the gas molecules put together.
Deriving the Ideal Gas Law
Imagine a gas in a cylinder of base A,
with one moving wall. The pressure of the gas exerts a force of
F = PA on the moving wall of the
cylinder. This force is sufficient to move the cylinder’s wall back a distance
L, meaning that the volume of the
cylinder increases by
= AL. In terms of
A, this equation reads
A =
?/L. If we now substitute in
?/L for
A in the equation F =
PA, we get
F =
L, or
P?V = FL
If you recall in the chapter on work, energy, and power, we defined work as
force multiplied by displacement. By pushing the movable wall of the container a
distance L by exerting a force
F, the gas molecules have
done an amount of work equal to FL,
which in turn is equal to P?V.
P?V = FL
The work done by a gas signifies a change in energy: as the gas increases in
energy, it does a certain amount of work on the cylinder. If a change in the
value of PV signifies a change in
energy, then PV itself should
signify the total energy of the gas. In other words, both
PV and
nRT are expressions for the total kinetic energy of the molecules
of a gas.
Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law
Physics will not expect you to plug a series of numbers into the ideal
gas law equation. The value of n is
usually constant, and the value of R
is always constant. In most problems, either T,
P, or
V will also be held constant, so that you will only need to
consider how changes in one of those values affects another of those values.
There are a couple of simplifications of the ideal gas law that deal with just
these situations.
Boyle’s Law
Boyle’s Law deals with gases at a constant temperature. It tells us that
an increase in pressure is accompanied by a decrease in volume, and vice versa:
PiVi = PfVf.
Aerosol canisters contain compressed (i.e., low-volume) gases, which is why they
are marked with high-pressure warning labels. When you spray a substance out of
an aerosol container, the substance expands and the pressure upon it decreases.
Video Lesson - Boyle's Law
Charles’s Law
Charles’s Law deals with gases at a constant pressure. In such cases,
volume and temperature are directly proportional:
Vi/Ti = VfTf.
This is how hot-air balloons work: the balloon expands when the air inside of it
is heated.
Video Lesson -
Gases in a Closed Container
You may also encounter problems that deal with “gases in a closed container,”
which is another way of saying that the volume remains constant. For such
problems, pressure and temperature are directly proportional:
Vi/Ti = VfTf.
This relationship, however, apparently does not deserve a name.
Example 1
A gas in a cylinder is kept at a constant temperature while a piston compresses
it to half its original volume. What is the effect of this compression on the
pressure the gas exerts on the walls of the cylinder?
Questions like this come up all the time on Physics. Answering it is a
simple matter of applying Boyle’s Law, or remembering that pressure and volume
are inversely proportional in the ideal gas law. If volume is halved, pressure
is doubled.
Example 2
A gas in a closed container is heated from 0ºC to 273°C. How does this affect
the pressure of the gas on the walls of the container?
First, we have to remember that in the ideal gas law, temperature is measured in
Kelvins. In those terms, the temperature goes from 273 K to 546 K; in other
words, the temperature doubles. Because we are dealing with a closed container,
we know the volume remains constant. Because pressure and temperature are
directly proportional, we know that if the temperature is doubled, then the
pressure is doubled as well. This is why it’s a really bad idea to heat an
aerosol canister.
Next to display next topic in the chapter.
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