
Verbal Analogies MCQ Set 7

Showing question 31 to 35 of total 78 MCQs

MCQ Set: 7

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 31


  1. Flavor : broth
  2. Seasoning : meal
  3. Thyme : herb
  4. Pepper : meat
  5. Sugar : syrup

Question No: 32


  1. Tangibility : rough
  2. Malleability : pliant
  3. Brittleness : soft
  4. Solidity : fluid
  5. Transparency : bright

Question No: 33


  1. Diagnose : drug
  2. Poison : antidote
  3. Treat : examination
  4. Prevent : vaccination
  5. Relieve : physician

Question No: 34


  1. Organ : pedal
  2. Oboe : reed
  3. Cymbal : sound
  4. Piano : key
  5. Drum : drumstick

Question No: 35


  1. Diagnose : drug
  2. Poison : antidote
  3. Treat : examination
  4. Prevent : vaccination
  5. Relieve : physician
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