
Active Voice and Passive Voice MCQ Set 6

Showing question 26 to 30 of total 47 MCQs

MCQ Set: 6

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 26

He stole that watch.

  1. That watch was stolen by him.
  2. That watch stolen by him.
  3. That watch stole by him.
  4. That watch had stolen by him.

Question No: 27

Sahil spoke the lie.

  1. The lie was spoke by Sahil.
  2. The lie spoken by Sahil.
  3. Lie was spoken by Sahil.
  4. The lie was spoken by Sahil.

Question No: 28

Thief killed him.

  1. He was kill by the thief.
  2. He killed by the thief.
  3. He was killed by the thief.
  4. He was killed.

Question No: 29

The police caught the culprit.

  1. The culprit were caught be the police.
  2. The culprit was caught be the police.
  3. The culprit caught be the police.
  4. The culprit had caught be the police.

Question No: 30

The police caught the culprit.

  1. The culprit were caught be the police.
  2. The culprit was caught be the police.
  3. The culprit caught be the police.
  4. The culprit had caught be the police.
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