
Simplification MCQ Set 5

Showing question 21 to 25 of total 79 MCQs

MCQ Set: 5

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 21

What fraction of

que Dup 1 -75531360

should be added to itself to become

que 2 -68186800

  1. op a -47501304
  2. op b -66681264
  3. op c -89602968
  4. op d -99269384

Question No: 22

Company workers decided to raise Rs. 3 lakhs by equal contribution from each. Had they contributed Rs. 50 each extra, the contribution would have been Rs. 3.25 lakhs. How many workers were they?

  1. 300
  2. 400
  3. 500
  4. 600

Question No: 23

5.8 × 2.5 + 0.6 × 6.75 + 139.25= ?

  1. 157.60
  2. 147.80
  3. 147.60
  4. 157.80

Question No: 24

3034 - (1002 / 20.04) = ?

  1. 2984
  2. 2983
  3. 2982
  4. 2981

Question No: 25

3640 รท 14 × 16 + 340 = ?

  1. 3500
  2. 4500
  3. 1500
  4. 2500
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