
Synonyms MCQ Set 4

Showing question 16 to 20 of total 99 MCQs

MCQ Set: 4

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 16


  1. Social
  2. Shag
  3. Single
  4. Blend

Question No: 17


  1. Peerless
  2. Sublime
  3. Petty
  4. Important

Question No: 18


  1. Strike
  2. Criticize
  3. Write
  4. Believe

Question No: 19


  1. Defunct
  2. Deadly
  3. Daring
  4. Deceptive

Question No: 20


  1. Inoperative
  2. Demand
  3. Supply
  4. Anticipate
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