
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 3

Showing question 11 to 15 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 3

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 11

After the Detroit Lions' abysmal 0 win and 16 loss season in 2008, the owner of the team fired the head coach. In the days that followed this decision, one professional sporting analyst said: "the prospects of the Lions becoming a competitive franchise depends on if the team can procure a talented and disciplined coach."

  1. depends on if
  2. depend on whether
  3. depends on whether
  4. depend on if
  5. depend whether

Question No: 12

In the engineering sector at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for we recent graduates to get started on our careers.

  1. at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for we
  2. at the moment there are no jobs for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
  3. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact that makes it difficult for us
  4. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, which makes it difficult for us
  5. there are no jobs at the moment for those without experience, a fact which makes it difficult for we

Question No: 13

After meeting together near Mediolanurn in 313, Roman Emperors Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus issued The Edict of Milan in the hopes to ending years of internal religious strife and the persecution of minorities. The Edict expanded religious toleration and ordered the return of property confiscated from Christians, even if it had been subsequently resold.

  1. in the hopes to ending
  2. in the hope to ending
  3. with the hope to ending
  4. with the hope of ending
  5. in the hope to end

Question No: 14

After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hopethat he might finish before the deadline.

  1. After working for two hours, the essay started to take shape, and he began to hopethat he might finish before the deadline.
  2. When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he began to hope
  3. When the essay started to take shape after he had worked on it for two hours, he begun to hope
  4. When the essay started to take shape after working on it for two hours, he began to hope
  5. After working for two hours, the student's essay started to take shape, and he began to hope

Question No: 15

After years of working on Wall Street, an apartment in lower Manhattan still felt like his home for famed investment banker John E. Callan, even though he also owned a house in Rye and in East Hampton.

  1. an apartment in lower Manhattan still felt like his home for famed investment banker John E. Callan, even though he also owned a house in Rye and in East Hampton
  2. famed investment banker John E. Callan still considered his lower Manhattan apartment home, even though he also owned a house in Rye and in East Hampton
  3. an apartment in lower Manhattan still felt like home for famed investment banker John E. Callan, even though he also owned a house in Rye and in East Hampton
  4. John E. Callan, a famed investment banker, still considered his lower Manhattan apartment home, even though he too owned a house in Rye and in East Hampton
  5. famed investment banker John E. Callan still considered his lower Manhattan apartment home, even despite his owning of a house in Rye and in East Hampton
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