
General Knowledge MCQ Set 39

Showing question 191 to 195 of total 429 MCQs

MCQ Set: 39

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 191

The 2002 Commonwealth Games were held in

  1. Canada
  2. UK
  3. Australia
  4. Malaysia

Question No: 192

Profit made when an asset is sold more than the price at which it was bought is called

  1. capital
  2. capital-gain
  3. capitalism
  4. None of the above

Question No: 193

Plorence(Chadwick) is the associated place for which of the following sport?

  1. Snooker
  2. Racking Horse
  3. Skiing
  4. Tennis

Question No: 194

The 2012 Olympics Games were held in

  1. London
  2. Seoul
  3. Sydney
  4. Tokyo

Question No: 195

Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, was assassinated in

  1. 1961
  2. 1971
  3. 1981
  4. 1991
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